Week of 6/10
6/10: Complete your final exam on laptops.
Week of 6/3
6/6: Review the end-of-year schedule and Final Study Guide. Read silently or write Food Poems or Poems about Poetry. RP: Write Postcard #3.
6/5: Review the end-of-year schedule and Final Study Guide. Read silently or write Poems about Poetry. Write Postcard #3.
6/4: Seniors: Complete your Senior Final exam and share it with me. Underclassmen: Review the end-of-year schedule and Final Study Guide. . Read silently or write Poems about Poetry.
6/3: Pick a book, a page, an interesting noun and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “But that’s a load of crap.” Share other outdoor poems? Review Senior Final and the end-of-year schedule. Read silently for 20 minutes. Write a Reading Postcard! Continue reading.
Week of 5/28
5/31: If weather permits, go outside to the cross country trail and write poems (NatureWriting). If you are tardy, go to Commons and write a poem (NatureWritingTardies). If the weather does not permit, read Poems to, from or about Poetry and write one.
5/30: Review traditional (5JapanesePoems) and untraditional haikus (Assorted Haikus) and write a haiku. Review the Greater Romantic Lyric (Naturepoems), Write romantic lyrics, haikus, low-kus or extended haikus. CWHaikuActivity
5/28: Pick a book, a page, an interesting noun and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “But that’s a load of crap.” Review Senior Final and the end-of-year schedule. Read silently for 20 minutes. Write a Reading Postcard! Continue reading.
Week of 5/20
5/24: Pick a book, a page, an interesting noun and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “But that’s a load of crap.” Check homework: 20 minutes of reading. Read silently for 20 minutes. Write a Reading Postcard! Continue reading.
5/23: Pick a book, a page, an interesting noun and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “But that’s a load of crap.” Check homework: 20 minutes of reading. Watch the rest of The Outsiders or read quietly. Discuss movie? Review returned Postcards! Read silently for 20 minutes. Write a 5-minute journal entry about the best book you ever read. What made it great? Share. Continue reading.
5/22: Watch The Outsiders or read quietly.
5/21: Watch The Outsiders or read quietly.
5/20: Watch The Outsiders or read quietly.
Week of 5/13
5/16: Pick a book, a page, an interesting noun and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “But that’s a load of crap.” Check homework: 20 minutes of reading. Review next week’s movie plans and grading. Review returned Postcards! Read silently for 20 minutes. Write a 5-minute journal entry about the best book you ever read. What made it great? Share. Continue reading.
5/15: Check homework: 20 minutes of reading. Read silently.
5/14: Check homework: 20 minutes of reading. Review returned Postcards! Write over due Postcards! Read silently. Generate alternative movie choices and pick one. Read.
5/13: Freewriting Activity: Start with the word “Birthdays” and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “But when I think about it…” Review returned Creative Response Rubrics. Postcards! Postcards! Postcards! Read silently.
Week of 5/6
5/10: Freewriting Activity: Start with the word “Innocence” and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “When I think about it…”Check homework: Read for 20 minutes. Review returned Creative Response Rubrics. Write down pages read. Read silently for 20 minutes. Write me a Reading Postcard from where you are in the book. What do you find interesting or enjoy? Why should I take the same journey (read the book)? How’s the figurative weather? Continue reading.
5/8: Check homework: Read for 15- 20 minutes Write down pages read. Read silently for 20 minutes. Read silently for the period.
5/7: Check homework: Read for 15- 20 minutes Write down pages read. Read silently for 20 minutes. Read silently for the period.
5/6: Freewriting Activity: Pick a book, a page, an interesting noun and write for eight minutes. At some point, use the phrase “But that can’t be right.” Review the plan for the independent reading unit (Pick a book. Send at least three Reading Postcards, write a letter/essay/film script.) Begin reading. If you don’t have a book yet, look at the book options, brainstorm more book ideas (author? genre?). Sample books by reading for 15 minutes. Continue reading.
Week of 4/29
5/3: Freewriting Activity: Start with the word “Reading.” At some point use the phrase “On the other hand…” Write for eight minutes. Review sub report. Develop a plan for the independent reading unit (Pick a book. Send at least three Reading Postcards, write a letter/essay/film script.) Look at some book options, brainstorm more book ideas (author? genre?). Pick a book to sample by reading for 15 minutes. Make a selection or refine the search criteria by author, genre, etc. Write a 5-minute journal entry about the best book you ever read. What made it great? Share. Review postcard assignments examples (Reading Postcard13) and assignment (Reading Postcard Blank). Continue reading.
5/2: Write an Exquisite Corpse group poem (Exquisite Corpse2).
5/1: Freewriting Activity: Start with “The most interesting person I know is…” Review the status of the missing Creative Responses and Introductions. Make a plan for tomorrow’s class. Develop a plan for the independent reading unit (Pick a book. Send at least three Reading Postcards, write a letter/essay/film script.) Begin to brainstorm book ideas. Movie idea for May 20-22? Read independently or complete your overdue Creative Response Rubric and Introduction.
4/29: Freewriting activity: (Note: I will ask you to share from these responses.) Think of a class activity you enjoyed that effectively introduced or developed an essential concept or skill of this course. What made it enjoyable? What characteristics of the activity could be replicated in other class activities? Think of an activity in another course you enjoyed that effectively introduced or developed something essential. What made that enjoyable? What components could be used more often in other activities? What other suggestions do you have for me or other teachers to make your classes more enjoyable? Share responses. In A102, complete your Creative Responses and Introductions. Remember to begin your Introduction with the essential idea you are illustrating as well as describing, interpreting, and sharing your process and craft decision (Creative Response Rubric and Introduction Example). Let me know if you have any questions or want feedback on either the Creative Response or the Introduction. Share final products with me!
Week of 4/22
4/25: Freewriting Activity: Write about an experience you keep coming back to. Insert these phrases as I call them out: This isn’t about that…/ Forget that… /This is not about…/But I was too young…./ This is about something else…. Check homework: 20 minutes on your creative response and/or introduction. In E202, continue to develop your Creative Responses and Introductions. Remember to begin with the essential idea you are illustrating as well as describe, interpret and share your process in the Introduction (Creative Response Rubric and Introduction Example). Share drafts with me!
4/24: Freewriting Activity: Pick a random book, a random page, choose the first interesting noun or verb and write for eight minutes. Check homework: 20 minutes on your creative response and/or introduction. In E102, continue to develop your Creative Responses and Introductions.
Remember to begin with the essential idea you are illustrating as well as describe, interpret and share your process in the Introduction (Creative Response Rubric and Introduction Example).
4/23: Freewriting Activity: Write an extended description of the person who bothers you in which every sentence is a lie. Be generous. Be specific. Be realistic. Write for eight minutes. Check homework: 20 minutes on your creative response and/or introduction. On laptops, continue to develop your Creative Responses and Introductions. Remember to describe, interpret and share your process in the Introduction (Creative Response Rubric and Introduction Example).
4/22: Freewriting Activity: First line: “On the horizon…” Write for eight minutes. In E102, review the Creative Response Rubric and Introduction Example. Develop your Creative Response or begin drafting your introduction.
Week of 4/8
4/12: Introduce your illustration of an important theme and explain your thinking.
Write group poems (Exquisite Corpse.doc) that rely on the “mystique of accident” to reveal the “unconscious reality in the personality of the group.”
4/11: Take a quick look at the mobile in the lobby and read Rob Smuniewski is Dead. Look at past visual representations of a significant person.
What are some strategies to use in order to create a work of art that represents something essential
about a theme or person? Return to class and create a collage, illustration or mobile to represent your significant theme or character.
4/10: Go to Poetry Day in the library and read a poem.
4/9: Focused freewrite: What is the most important scene in your book? What’s the most important line? What’s a recurring line in your book? What do any or all of those point to as an important theme of the book? Read the Found Poem Assignment and the example of a found poem. Use option A, B or the steps on the back (Found PoemsRWT) to write your own found poem using words and phrases from your book.
4/8: Check reading status. Look at the Creative Response Rubric (CreativeRspRbrc2) and brainstorm Creative Response ideas. Review the persona poem assignment (PersonaPoemAsst) and models. Read “Gregory.” Write a persona poem for a character besides the narrator from your book.
Week of 4/1
4/5: Freewrite activity: Start with “I love…” and write for eight minutes. Read, write and share odes (OdeAssignment2) or “I’ve never seen…” poems (buttercow2). Or make up overdue work. Or read your book. Or begin your Creative Response and Introduction. Meet in Reading Groups?
4/4: Freewriting Activity: Start with “Essential” and write for seven minutes.” Check homework: Read for 20 minutes. Missing Assignments for the end of the quarter? Review “Noticing Signposts” (Signposts). How can signposts be turned on their heads? Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. (anti-signposts?) as you read. Meet in book groups to share notes and discuss the strategy as well as talk about the book.
4/3: Freewriting Activity: Start with a random phrase and write for eight minutes. Check homework: Read for 20 minutes. Review returned JB Letters and JB scene, review missing assignments and progress with books. Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read. Meet in book groups to share notes and discuss the strategy as well as talk about the book.
4/2: Freewriting Activity: Start with a random word and write for eight minutes.Review returned JB Letters and JB scene, review missing assignments and progress with books. Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read.
Week of 3/25
3/29: Freewriting Activity: Start with the word “ordinary” and write for eight minutes. Read and write Pantoums or Extraordinary Ordinary Poems and share. Or read your book.
3/28: Freewriting Activity: Start with a random word and write for eight minutes. Share a couple of Signposts from yesterday’s reading. Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read. Meet in book groups to share notes and discuss the strategy as well as talk about the book.
3/27: Freewriting Activity: Start with “Some day…) and write for eight minutes. Share a couple of Signposts from yesterday’s reading. Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read. Meet in book groups to share notes and discuss the strategy as well as talk about the book.
3/26: Freewriting Activity: Pick a random book, a random page, choose the first interesting noun or verb and write for eight minutes. Review “Noticing Signposts” (Signposts) by sharing signposts noticed yesterday’s reading. Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read. Meet in book groups to share notes and discuss the strategy as well as talk about the book.
3/25: Freewriting Activity: First line: I am your son/daughter (whatever you are not). Write for eight minutes. Review the the Book Groups Assignment and Creative Response Rubric, Anyone need an audio or digital copy? Re-Review “Noticing Signposts” (Signposts) by sharing signposts noticed yesterday’s reading. Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read. Meet in book groups to share notes and discuss the strategy as well as talk about the book.
Week of 3/18
3/22: Freewrite activity: Return to the The Three Poisons list of random words. Choose something you are indifferent about and write about it in the voice of someone who is passionate about that thing.Write a Persona Poem or a poem for the Abecedarian/borrowed text/birdbath choices (VariedPoemPromptsB1). Share the examples and write. Share your poems.
3/21: Freewrite activity: start a freewrite with with a random phrase and write for eight minutes. Add some shifters: “This isn’t about that,” “Forget that,” “This is not about,” “But I was too [young],” “This is about [something else]. Check homework: 20 minutes of reading. Review the the Book Groups Assignment and Creative Response Rubric, Anyone need an audio or digital copy? Re-Review “Noticing Signposts” (Signposts) by sharing signposts noticed yesterday’s reading. Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read. Share notes and discuss the strategy.
3/20: Freewrite activity: start a freewrite with ‘Notice” and write for eight minutes. Review the the Book Groups Assignment and Creative Response Rubric, Anyone need an audio or digital copy? Review “Noticing Signposts” (Signposts). Read your book silently and note at least three signposts. as you read. Share notes and discuss the strategy.
3/18: Wrap up The Jell-O Brigade unit. Begin the Book Groups Unit. Review the Book Groups Assignment and Creative Response Rubric, look at the books and read for 30 minutes. Meet in your group and make a plan for reading. Remember the due date is April 8. Continue reading to the bell.
Week of 3/11
3/14: Freewrite activity: start a freewrite with ‘Nap” and write for eight minutes. Review the book choices for the next unit: Into the Wild and The Fault in Our Stars. Choose one for the Creative Response unit. Finish up revising your letter, your scene or your cover. Everything is due at the end of the period.
3/13: Find a random phrase in a random book and use it to start a seven-minute freewrite, Review the sub report and update progress on the JB letter, scene and cover. Revise your letter and/or complete your Jell-O Brigade scenes. If both are complete, design a cover for The Jell-O Brigade. Check the progress on your reading goals by reviewing the Performative Literacy Notes-1, reviewing your goals and completing the Performative Literacy Rubric. Share questions and observations.
3/12: Revise your letter and/or complete your Jell-O Brigade scenes. If both are complete, design a cover for The Jell-O Brigade.
3/11: Freewrite activity: start a freewrite with the word “Spring” and write for eight minutes. Add some shifters: “This isn’t about that,” “Forget that,” “This is not about,” “But I was too [young],” “This is about [something else]. In A102, review the returned Jell-O Brigade rubrics and my comments on your google doc. Revise your letter and/or complete your Jell-O Brigade scenes. Review The Jell-O Brigade scene rubric and give your scene a title.
Week of 3/4
3/8: Read “In the Current “In the Current” & “Passing Time”. Write a story in that form. (Or write your Jell-O Brigade scene using that form.) Share the story or scene with me.
3/6: Freewrite Assignment: Begin with a random word and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Share scene ideas and The Jell-O Brigade Letter drafts. Discuss the merits of the criticism, commendations and suggestions. Return to developing, revising your letters and/or scene. Share a letter or scene with me by the end of the period tomorrow for grading. Share the other piece on Monday.
3/5: Freewrite Assignment: Begin with a random word and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Share scene ideas and The Jell-O Brigade Letter drafts. Discuss the merits of the criticism, commendations and suggestions. Return to developing, revising your letters and/or scene. Share a letter or scene with me by the end of the period tomorrow for grading. Share the other piece on Monday.
Week of 2/25
2/28: Freewrite Assignment: Begin with the word “Moral” and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Share scene ideas and The Jell-O Brigade Letter drafts. Discuss the merits of the criticism, commendations and suggestions. Return to developing, revising your letters and/or scene.
2/27: Freewrite Assignment: Begin with the word “scene” and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Continue to write your letter or missing scene to The Jell-O Brigade. If letter, refer to the JB Response Letter Rubric and (Sample Response Letters and include specific parts that work, specific parts that don’t, suggestions for cutting developing or revising. If scene, refer to the scenes in the book or a memorable scene from another book or a movie you’re familiar with. Build the scene with description, action dialogue and interior monologue (DADI). Refer to this DADI Mix example.
2/25: Freewrite Assignment: Begin with a random verb and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. You should be done reading The Jell-O Brigade. (If not, read this period and finish it tonight.) Should we write a scene now or after we finish the letters? If letters first, review the JB Response Letter Rubric and the key components of the letter (Yes or no? specific parts that work, specific parts that don’t, suggestions for cutting developing or revising). Reread one of the model letters together and begin your own (Sample Response Letters). If scene first, begin writing a missing scene to The Jell-O Brigade. Start with what you think is missing or what happened behind the scenes that should be center stage.
Week of 2/19
2/22: Freewrite Assignment: Begin with the word “Diversity” and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Check homework: Read JB for 15-20 minutes. Review the JB Response Letter Rubric and the key components of the letter (Yes or no? specific parts that work, specific parts that don’t, suggestions for cutting developing or revising). Finish reading The Jell-O Brigade. (If you are way behind, skip to chapter 15.) Once you’re done, review the model letters and begin your own (Sample Response Letters).
2/20: Freewrite Assignment: Begin with the word “Friends” and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Accept every detail. Just go with it. Check homework: Read JB for 15-20 minutes. Finish reading The Jell-O Brigade. (If you are way behind, skip to chapter 15.) Once you’re done, review the model letters and begin your own (Sample Response Letters).
2/19: Freewrite Assignment: Pick a random book, a random page and choose the first interesting topic or word or phrase and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Accept every detail. Just go with it. Review schedule and letter assignment for The Jell-O Brigade. Progress check in. Read two chapters today. (If you are way behind, skip to chapter 15.)
Week of 2/11
2/13: Freewrite Assignment: Pick a random book, a random page and choose the first interesting topic or word or phrase and write for eight minutes. Keep the pen moving. Accept every detail. Just go with it. Any follow-up questions or suggestions to our discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the first ten chapters of the The Jell-O Brigade. Read two chapters today.
2/11: Focused freewrite: Start with the phrase “The Jell-O Brigade” and write for eight minutes. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the first ten chapters of the The Jell-O Brigade. What questions or suggestions do you have? If you finished chapter 10, email me a short mid-book assessment: One positive, one negative, one suggestion and are you leaning toward publishing? Read two chapters today.
Week of 2/4
2/8:Review sub report. Check homework: 15-20 minutes of reading. Reading check in: what page are you on? If you finished chapter 10, write a short mid-book assessment: One positive, one negative, one suggestion and are you leaning toward publishing? Read two chapters today. (The Jell-O Brigade Rev)
2/7: Read chapters 7 & 8 of The Jell-O Brigade. Take notes in the margin.
2/6: Read chapters 4-6 of The Jell-O Brigade. Take notes in the margin.
2/4: Freewite Assignment: Pick a random book, a random page and choose the first interesting noun and write for eight minutes. Review examples of revisions to The Jell-O Brigade Rev made based on feedback. Other feedback to share? Volunteer to summarize the first three chapters? Review the need to read quickly: IT’s meant to be read in a week or less. Begin silently reading chapters 4-6 of The Jell-O Brigade.
Week of 1/28
2/1: Freewriting Activity: start a freewrite with the word “present” and write for eight minutes. This is practice in neuroplasticity, mental flexibility. Check homework: Read JB for 15-20 minutes. Review the plan for the The Jell-O Brigade (Jell-O Brigade Chap 1-3) unit. Begin reading. Discuss the first three chapters.
1/31: Finish reading or re-reading “Popularity” and discuss it in terms of the reading process (BlauPerfLit_1). Review the JB Submission Letter and Sample Response Letters and the plan for the The Jell-O Brigade (Jell-O Brigade Chap 1-3) unit. Begin reading.
1/29: Begin writing about a pivotal moment in your life with “Here’s what happened.” While you are writing I will bother you with “shifters”: But, however, I just lied, and yet strangely enough, in other words, then again, It’s as if, maybe. Review pages 1through 4 (PerfrmLitNotes-1) of “Performative Literacy: The Habits of Mind of Highly Literate Readers” (BlauPerfLit_1). Pick two traits to develop in your own habit and write them in your journal.
1/28: Freewite Assignment: Pick a random book, a random page and choose the first interesting topic or word or phrase and write for eight minutes. The rule is: You have to keep the pen moving. You have to accept every detail. (Like the first rule of improv: Just go with it.) Review plan for second semester and the plan for reading The Jell-O Brigade. Continue to look at how to be a better reader. Review PerfrmLitNotes-1) page one of “Performative Literacy: The Habits of Mind of Highly Literate Readers” (BlauPerfLit_1) and read pages 2 and 3. Underline/highlight the types of literacy and other interesting quotes, note any questions (?), surprises (!) or notable ideas (√). Read or re-read and discuss “Popularity” (Popularity.Adam.Bagdasarian in terms of the reading process.
Week of 1/23
1/25: Begin to generate a list of novels to read. Review pages 1 & 2 and begin reading pages 3-5 of “Performative Literacy: The Habits of Mind of Highly Literate Readers” (BlauPerfLit_1) and underline/highlight the types of literacy and other interesting quotes, note any questions (?), surprises (!) or notable ideas (√). (PerfrmLitNotes-1). English 1-23-15
1/24: Assignment: Pick a random book, a random page and choose the first interesting topic or word or phrase and write for eight minutes. The rule is: You have to keep the pen moving. You have to accept every detail. (Like the first rule of improv: Just go with it.) Review plan for second semester and the plan for reading The Jell-O Brigade. Look at how to be a better reader. Read pages 1 & 2 of “Performative Literacy: The Habits of Mind of Highly Literate Readers” (BlauPerfLit_1) and underline/highlight the types of literacy and other interesting quotes, note any questions (?), surprises (!) or notable ideas (√). Discuss. (PerfrmLitNotes-1). Read or re-read and discuss “Popularity” (Popularity.Adam.Bagdasarian in terms of the reading process.
1/23: Go to E102. Review the Grading Criteria and class procedures (EnglshClssProcedures). Review final exams and portfolio letters. Revise portfolio submissions adding a works cited.