Extra Journal Entry Ideas

Leave some evidence in your journal to receive credit for an extra journal entry. Your entry might be anything writing related: new drafts, reactions to ideas from class, interesting quotes or articles, lists of story ideas or titles. Here’s an incomplete list of suggestions:

  • Practice sensory descriptions
  • Have a writing conference with a classmate, Ms. Mason or writing buddy and leave a record in your journal
  • Read “An Interview with an Admissions Officer” (InterviewAdmssnsOffcr). Write a five-minute first reaction.  Write a for another five minutes beginning with “On the other hand …” and look at the article from a different perspective.
  • Submit a poem, an essay or a story to The Wayfarer Magazine: Students may submit hard copies to the box in the Writing Center, or electronic copies to JBHSLitMag [at] er9 [dot] org
  • Read the second half (from the top of p. 267) of “How to Say Nothing in 500 Words.”  Write a five-minute summary and then write about a paper you wrote that said nothing in 500 words.
  • Practice describing an interviewee or a fictional character
  • Work on one or two of your goals in a paper for any class
  • Write a poem in any style or like one we’ve written in class
  • Write an “Exquisite Corpse” group poem with some friends. (Be careful: the group subconscious can be a scary place.) Put a copy in your journal
  • Write an abecedarium
  • Meet with a classmate for a 20-minute Writing Date
  • Read one of the following short story articles.  Plan a 5-10 minute summary to present to someone who has not read it.  Leave evidence in your journal.  Note whether you read the short article (“Plot, the Bones of a Story” = one journal entry (PBS), the medium article (“The Lingerie Theory of Narration” = two journal entries (LTN) or the long article (“Writing Short Stories” = three journal entries (WSS).